Signs of a Language Disorder
Does not smile or interact with others (birth and older)
Does not babble (4 - 7 months)
Makes only a few sounds or gestures, such as pointing (7-12 months)
Does not understand what others say (7 months - 2 years)
Limited words (12-18 months)
Words are not easily understood (18 months - 2 years)
Does not put words together to make sentences (1.5 - 3 years)
Has trouble playing and talking with other children (2 years and older)
Has trouble with early reading and writing skills (2.5 years and older )
Signs of a Speech Sound Disorder
Says p, b, m, h, and w incorrectly in words (1-2 years)
Deletes a consonant sound int the beginning of words (1 year and older)
Says k, g, f, t, d, and n incorrectly in words (2-3 years)
Produces speech that is unclear, even to familiar people (2-3 years)
Signs of Stuttering (Disfluency)
Stuttering can occur in kids between 2-5 years of age and may completely resolve itself on its own. The stuttering events may come and go and can last for several weeks before disappearing. However, if your child experiencing the following signs for more than a few months please contact a professional for assistance.
Speech breaks while trying to say a word—“—–boy” for “boy”
Repeats first sounds of words ----- "b-b-b-ball" for "ball"
Stretches sounds out—“ffffff-farm” for “farm”
Shows frustration and facial tension when trying to get words out
Signs of a Potential Feeding and/or Swallowing Disorder
Child arches back or stiffens when feeding
Cries or fusses when feeding
Falls asleep when feeding
Has problems breast feeding
Has trouble breathing while eating and drinking
Refuses to eat or drink
Eats only certain textures, such as soft food or crunchy food
Takes a long time to eat
Has problems chewing
Coughs or gags during meals
Drools a lot or has liquid come out her mouth or nose
Gets stuffy during meals
Has a gurgly, hoarse, or breathy voice during or after meals
Spits up or throws up a lot
Is not gaining weight or growing
Portions of this material were taken from the American Speech and Hearing Association. If you would like more information, please visit